Data Protection 

Clear Mind Derby is committed to protecting the data and information of our clients. Integrity is one of our founding values. We are clear with you on how your Data is collected, stored and shared with your protection in mind. We will seek your express permission to appropriately information share where necessary. Your confidentiality is held in high regard and your personal data is kept safe, respected and only used with integrity and dignity. 

Please note breech of confidentiality is only permitted due to safeguarding concerns.


We believe everyone has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and adults, to keep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them. We will give equal priority to keeping all children, young people and adults safe regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.  We stand by our duty of care to be professionally curious, share any cause for concern and report any safeguarding risks internally and or externally to protect individuals we are in contact with. Please contact us for further information, our safeguarding policies and procedures are also available on request.


We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality of care and support, however, if you feel this is not the case for you and there is something you would like to tell us that could improve our service, please do, we welcome your feedback to ensure we are getting things right. Please email for our complaints form and procedure.